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Better packaged

Used once, reused to boost

Boundless enthusiasm and innovative ideas are Patrick Sonnleitner’s strengths. As the sustainability expert at RINGANA, he is constantly on the hunt for new solutions. Together with his team colleagues, he engages with many different subjects such as waste management, packaging, green energy, or carbon footprint.

The latest result of that work is the new packaging solution for RINGANA drinks, whereby the existing cardboard casing is being replaced with state-of-the-art moulded pulp. Patrick reveals the most important facts to us in advance.


Moulded pulp – what is that?

Egg boxes are probably the most familiar form of moulded pulp. It’s a kind of papier mâché made of waste paper, renewable fibres such as hay, straw, hemp or similar cellular material. This makes it a very eco-friendly material because moulded pulp can be entirely reused, it’s 100 % recyclable and 100 % compostable.


Why hasn’t moulded pulp been
considered before now?

Previously, manufacturing it required a lot of water. With radically improved processes, manufacturers can now recycle the water being used which minimises water consumption. The product now also looks better. Moulded pulp packaging used to be frayed and rough. RINGANA has now discovered a process that delivers a smooth and attractive end product.


Which products will be protected with
the new moulded pulp packaging?

The RINGANA drinks to start off with because moulded pulp packaging is particularly effective at preventing glass breakage. We’re currently working on other ways of using the material.t.


Where is RINGANA having its moulded
pulp produced?

It’s being handled by a packaging specialist in Austria. RINGANA prefers to work with regional partners. Not only can the best, customised solutions be found during personal dialogue, but the local economy is also given a boost.


How does this all fit into RINGANA’s
sustainability mosaic?

As always, we thought about this on every level. RINGANA takes its old cartons to the packaging manufacturer who turns them into moulded pulp. After that, the end products are returned to us in RINGANA lorries that are on their way back from delivering goods to Italy.

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